Gear Masters

FIRST® Tech Challenge Michiana Premier Event
Gear Masters

Team Photo

Team Number: 10348

Distance: 1,405 miles (2,261.12 km)


Region: USNM

Year Founded: 2015

Fun Facts

Community Team from Albuquerque, celebrating 10 years! The current team has a combined 50 years of FIRST experience, with many participating since FLL Jr.


Robot performed very well at each competition; We were on the Winning Alliance at both New Mexico scrimmages; We won the Think Award at the NM Regional Championship

Quick Stats from FTCScout

Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame
Best OPR 61.97 8.99 54.47 8.81
Rank 2,215 2,615 2,133 2,741

Team Logo

Robot Photo

Albuquerque, MI